Top 7 Branding Mistakes to Avoid

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Top 7 Branding Mistakes to Avoid


At Anna Kleeberg company we believe a company's brand is – Living, Breathing, Visual, Emotional -- expressions communicated through text, graphics, video, and, most importantly, through conversation. All skillfully pulled together into story formats that you can share with the world.

Why is the face of your Brand so important?

•    It’s your company’s face to the world
•    It's your business name that is associated with the emotional value
•    It’s your logo design
•    It’s your content, graphics, and video that connect with your market
•    It’s how your customers perceive the integrity of your business
•    It's your promise – fundamental principles understood by everyone

Developing your Brand messaging is a journey that will continue to evolve. It takes hard work and dedication to make a lasting impression in the world today.  Here are a few branding mistakes to avoid as you build your company’s
“Brand Staying Power.”


Here is a brief overview of what our tip sheet will cover:

Branding Mistake 1    - Not Bragging About What Makes You Different.

Branding Mistake 2    -  Changing the Face of Your Brand. Too often, in a shaky...
Branding Mistake 3   
-  Holding onto the old Paradigm of “One-Stop-Shop”
Branding Mistake 4   - Know who you are and own your message! 
Branding Mistake 5   - Not fully committing to branding.

Branding Mistake 6  - Trying too hard to be different

Branding Mistake 7
   - Not having a dedicated marketing plan.

I hope you find this tip sheet helpful; Keep moving forward...

Best regards,

Anna Kleeberg

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